Tuesday, April 29, 2008

about me

I'm a mama of three, ages 5, 4, and 2, who is hoping to use this blog as a way to encourage myself to contemplate my priorities in life. I wear a golden ichthus (aka Jesus fish) on my necklace daily without question; unfortunately, I wear it too many days without much thought as to what (and more importantly, Who) it represents.

I'm working on being more faithful about reading my Bible, about going to church, about respecting my husband, and loving my children as I should. Despite my daily struggles, I know deep down that my ichthus is **more than a fish**. It serves as a reminder of my true Savior, my reason for living, my be all and end all.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Good for you! My kids are grown now, but they were close in age like yours, and I do remember needing to write my thoughts down, if for no other reason than to practice thinking in complete sentences! Best wishes on your rode to ackowleging the Lord in all you do!